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You Could Use A Cholesterol Chart

By Zaiden W Xavier

The amount you eat from one day to the next determines your cholesterol levels, particularly depending on what kinds of food you eat, and in what cholesterol range they fall. Different foods can carry different amounts of this harmful fat, and foods that have a lot of it are not considered to be good for you. If you decide to partake in these foods, perhaps you should refrain from consuming vast quantities, no matter the level of your physical activity, particularly if you want to be in shape.
You are probably worried about your health. You probably want to do something about it. A cholesterol chart is a very useful thing to become familiar with. Depending on the type of chart you are looking at, it can tell you how much cholesterol you are about to consume or it can tell you your daily recommended value. Perhaps you should look at one.

Triglyceride are what provide oil to your body, but they can be very dangerous to your health if you have too many of them. You can reduce your levels in several ways, ranging from consumption of flax seed oil and fish, which contain omega three fatty acids. You can also exercise.

LDL and HDL stand for different things, those being low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein respectively. They are both forms of cholesterol. The difference between the two is that the first is considered to be bad for you in that it causes a buildup of plaque in the arteries, which can lead to heart disease. The second, on the other hand, is believed to be good because it scrubs the other out of the body.

If you are going to measure your health through one of the previously mentioned charts, you need to take a number of things into your careful consideration. You need to be able to see your total cholesterol in relation to your triglyceride levels, as well as the levels of LDL and HDL in your body. You should try to find a chart that uses a combination of or all of these factors in order to take a proper measurement. Otherwise, find a doctor to do it for you.

You will see charts in many restaurants these days. It is now required for them to have these in most places. These charts usually feature sodium, calories, vitamins, sugars and the like that can be found in each of the foods that they offer at the restaurant. It is rare to see triglycerides on any of these charts.

If you are worried about your health, take heed, for you can do something about it. One of the first things to do is to look at a cholesterol risk chart and carefully watch what you eat on a regular basis. Doing so is a good step on the road to healthy living, as being fit requires a healthy diet in addition to plenty of exercise.

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