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The Advantages Of A Quality Fake Sun Tan Self Tanner

By Haywood Hunter

In the 1960s, health authorities announced that exposure to the sun can put people at risk of getting skin cancer. Since then fake sun tan self tanner products have become increasingly popular, as a way to get that sun tanned look without the risks. There are many self tanning products available that provide a safe, long lasting and natural looking tan.

There are many different self tanning products available to purchase that provide different results. Some self tanners have extra ingredients that produce a dark and deep tan, whereas others are lighter and more subtle. It all depends on the look you want. The beast tanners contain the chemical DHA, which causes a chemical reaction with the top layer of the skin; making it darker. It works in a similar way to sun exposure.

Prior to applying the tanner lotion it is a very good idea to exfoliate the skin all over the body. This is because DHA creates a chemical reaction with dead skin cells and makes them darker. So if you do not do this the results will have patchy areas because those dead skin cells have come off. Exfoliating the skin will produce a smooth, deep and natural looking tan.

One secret to producing a natural looking tan is to fully moisturize after exfoliating the body. This helps the tanning lotions work better and will give smoother results. A good quality moisturizing cream or lotion can be used.

Some fake tan lotions also add ingredients to make a darker colored tan. These ingredients should be natural. They are usually sugar based ingredients that are suitable for those with sensitive skin.

A fake tan should appear the next day, although for some people it may take an extra day for the tan to fully develop. Many products work after just a few hours. A fake tan usually lasts for between five to seven days. After that the lotion can be reapplied. It is also recommenced that the skin be moisturized in between tanning, so on the third or forth day after the tan has appeared apply some moisturizer to your skin. This will keep your skin hydrated and will help subsequent tanning.

DHA is a harmless chemical that is fine for people with sensitive skin. The FDA approved DHA so long as products keep it below 14% as an ingredient, most quality tanning products have much less DHA in them than this. Quality tanning lotions should not cause streaking or patches, and they should also not clog up the skin pores. All good quality tanning products will revitalize skin, hydrate it and improve its elasticity. Using a self tanner is far safer than sun-bathing or visiting a solarium and by using a good product regularly you can enjoy a deep and natural tan all through the year.

A high quality tanning product is a better investment than the cheaper ones. The better products will give you far better results, and a tan that looks natural, smooth and will be long lasting. The regular use of a good quality sun tan self tanner will not do any harm to the skin and will provide a natural looking tan for years. Search on the internet for companies that produce high quality tanning lotions and check out some amazing deals.

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