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Using Creatine For Your Fitness Goals

By Jon Rutt

A lot of people seeking to get an edge in their field of athleticism or physical training become fascinated in taking advantage of some form of creatine supplementation. While this is a splendid choice of action there is often a lot of incorrect advice given concerning taking creatine. This misinformation surrounding the topic can make choosing a creatine and understanding how to properly use the supplement a baffling task . Most individuals simply are not aware of how creatine works, how to properly consume it or how to select the most optimal creatine to take. This article will outline in detail the bodily ramifications of creatine, which creatine supplements are of real value and how to use this supplement effectively .

To understand how creatine works we must understand the molecules that fuel muscle contractions. The main molecule used for energy in muscle contractions is Adenine Triphosphate, known as ATP. ATP is a complex molecule consisting of the nucleotide adenine and a tail of three phosphates. Energy is acquired by the body in a reaction that tears a phosphate group off of the ATP molecule. Energy is discharged and the phosphate group is transferred to a protein enabling it to change shape and start a chain of similar events which make up a muscle contraction. After this reaction takes place what is left is an Adenine diphosphate or ADP molecule (adenine nucleotide with a tail of only two phosphate groups). This ADP is then recycled and converted back into an ATP molecule in and by the cells mitochondria. Creatine drastically increases energy output by contributing a free phosphate group. This increases the amount of ATP and reduces the workload of the mitochondria.

When deciding on the best creatine to take, there are a number of items to acknowledge. First, it is crucial that the product contains a superior form of creatine. Check the label and make sure 'creatine monohydrate' is not the only form of creatine listed. One thing to be understanding of in a label is creapure, this is simply 100% pure creatine monohydrate under a brand name. Many nutritionists will recommend pure micronized creatine monohydrate or creapure but this is a very outdated, inefficient and ineffective creatine supplement. It is crucial that the product has one or more of the following creatines contained in it: Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE), Kre-Alkalyn, Creatine Anhydrous, Di-Creatine Malate (2CM), Creatine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (creatine AKG), Magnesium Creatine Chelate (Creatine Magnapower), Creatine Citrate, Di-Creatine Orotate and Tri-Creatine Malate (3CM). Another thing to consider is what other supplements are contained in the product. Many supplement companies will integrate nitric oxide precursors, amino acids and other performance enhancing supplements into their creatine supplement. Additional nutrients are beneficial for increasing muscular gains and also raise the value to the product.

After a quality creatine product has been chosen it must be implemented and used correctly. It is important to dispel the age old wives tale that creatine is dangerous and harmful to the liver. This is false in all scenarios of correct creatine use. This myth originates from the fact that the body requires sufficient water intake alongside creatine supplementation. Since the digestion and absorption of creatine needs adequate water consumption, the probability of dehydration is slightly increased. As you may or may not realize dehydration is very taxing to the liver. To guarantee safety and good health it is recommended that creatine users simply drink water whenever nature calls them to do so. Never go thirsty or ignore the body's natural inclination to drink water. Water is especially important during training or physical activity and it is highly advised to have an ample water supply on hand during these times.

The last items to be discussed are dosing and timing. To state very simply, never exceed 20mg of creatine a day. Most creatine supplements have a recommended dosing of 10 to 15 milligrams a day . Creatine causes increase in strength and endurance regardless of when it is taken. However, the optimal time to consume creatine is 30 to 45 minutes before training. This is the optimal time to take creatine because it gives muscles access to the highest amount of creatine possible.

It should now be apparent that creatine is capable of increasing strength and endurance and is a very legitimate solution for athletes who implement it properly. Now that the reader is aware of the more advanced forms of creatine wiser investments in a superior creatine product can be made. We have rebutted the myths about liver dangers so that one can now take creatine confidently knowing that an only an adequate water intake is needed to stay safe. With this new knowledge benefits of effectively and correctly implementing creatine can be reaped to the fullest.

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