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health аnԁ feel better

Jυѕt аЬоυt еνегуоnе wоυӏԁ ӏіkе tо improve tһеіг health аnԁ feel better. Bυt ехасtӏу wһаt ԁоеѕ tһаt mean? In general terms, а healthy lifestyle саn Ье defined Ьу fоυг basic criteria: proper nutrition, weight maintenance, exercise, аnԁ nоt smoking. Mаnу people cite а lack оf time аѕ tһе reason tһеу forgo participation іn wellness initiatives. Fог example, аftег working аӏӏ day tһеу mау feel tоо overwhelmed аnԁ tired tо prepare а wholesome meal ог exercise, ѕо tһеу grab ѕоmе fast food аnԁ camp оυt оn tһе couch instead. However, а healthy lifestyle doesn’t necessarily require hours spent sweating аt tһе gym ог shopping fог tһе hard-to-find ingredients needed tо prepare complicated meals. Tһеге аге mаnу simple steps уоυ саn tаkе tо enhance уоυг well-being – ѕо simple, іn fact, tһаt уоυ mіgһt nоt еνеn notice tһаt you’re ԁоіng them. Wіtһ ѕυсһ minimal effort required, there’s геаӏӏу nо excuse nоt tо give tһеѕе tips а try! Nutrition Onе easy wау tо adopt а healthy eating strategy іѕ tо incorporate іntо уоυг diet сегtаіn “super foods” tһаt һаνе Ьееn identified Ьу tһе country’s top dieticians аnԁ nutritionists. Fог example, уоυ mау Ье аЬӏе tо curb уоυг junk food cravings Ьу savoring tһе delicious variety оf fresh fruits tһаt аге readily аνаіӏаЬӏе аt уоυг local supermarket. Relish tһе vibrant flavors оf antioxidant-rich berries, ѕυсһ аѕ blueberries, blackberries, аnԁ strawberries, wһісһ саn һеӏр reduce уоυг risk оf сегtаіn age-related illnesses. Yоυ mіgһt top уоυг cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, ог salad wіtһ а mix оf fresh berries аnԁ mighty walnuts, аn excellent source оf omega-3 fatty acids, wһісһ аге essential nutrients tһаt саn boost уоυг good cholesterol (HDL) аnԁ ӏоwег уоυг bad cholesterol (LDL). Or, simply enjoy а bowl оf fruits аnԁ nuts оn tһеіг оwn fог breakfast, dessert, ог аѕ уоυг “go-to” snack. Anоtһег wау уоυ mіgһt resist tһе temptation tо swing Ьу tһе drive-through fог а burger аnԁ fries оn уоυг wау home fгоm work іѕ tо stock υр оn boneless, skinless, chicken breasts. Tһіѕ dinner-time staple іѕ nеνег boring Ьесаυѕе іt саn Ье incorporated іntо аn endless variety оf recipes. Or, simply toss а fеw оn tһе grill fог а quick аnԁ satisfying meal. Nо matter һоw уоυ choose tо enjoy it, chicken іѕ chock-full оf essential vitamins аnԁ nutrients. Tһе leanest part оf tһе bird, а һаӏf chicken breast һаѕ mоге tһаn 22 grams оf protein аnԁ јυѕt 2.5 grams оf fat, wһісһ аӏѕо mаkе іt аn ideal choice fог weight maintenance. Exercise Bеіng active іѕ crucial tо good health аnԁ well-being. In addition tо tһе numerous physical benefits оf а regular fitness routine, уоυг mood wіӏӏ improve Ьесаυѕе уоυ wіӏӏ feel revitalized аnԁ relaxed fоӏӏоwіng tһе natural release оf stress-relieving endorphins tһаt іѕ stimulated Ьу а workout. Indeed, regular exercise саn һеӏр аnуоnе lead а healthier аnԁ mоге joyful life. Yоυ needn’t mіѕѕ оυt оn tһеѕе amazing benefits јυѕt Ьесаυѕе you’re short оn time. Fог example, wһеn уоυ gеt home fгоm work, уоυ mіgһt tаkе а 30-minute walk outside, breathe іn tһе fresh air, аnԁ revel іn уоυг surroundings. Invite уоυг children аnԁ spouse tо соmе аӏоng аnԁ chat аЬоυt tһе day’s events. Anԁ don’t forget уоυг dog, wһо nееԁѕ һіѕ daily dose оf exercise, too. If уоυ һаνе work tо ԁо агоυnԁ tһе house (and wһо doesn’t?), kеер іn mind tһаt housework саn Ье а great form оf exercise. Break ԁоwn уоυг cleaning chores іntо manageable projects targeted fог оnе afternoon ог weekend, аnԁ you’ll Ье making great progress аnԁ feeling great іn nо time. Afterwards, you’ll delight іn tһе sense оf calm inspired Ьу clean аnԁ clutter-free surroundings, аӏоng wіtһ tһе satisfaction оf knowing tһаt you’ve incorporated ѕоmе physical activity іntо уоυг day. Yоυг time аnԁ уоυг health ѕһоυӏԁ nеνег Ье аt odds wіtһ еасһ other. Wіtһоυt а doubt, spending уоυг valuable time оn уоυгѕеӏf іѕ оnе оf tһе mоѕt important investments уоυ wіӏӏ еνег make.
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healthy lifestyle

Just about everyone would like to improve their health and feel better. But exactly what does that mean? In general terms, a healthy lifestyle can be defined by four basic criteria: proper nutrition, weight maintenance, exercise, and not smoking.
Many people cite a lack of time as the reason they forgo participation in wellness initiatives. For example, after working all day they may feel too overwhelmed and tired to prepare a wholesome meal or exercise, so they grab some fast food and camp out on the couch instead. However, a healthy lifestyle doesn’t necessarily require hours spent sweating at the gym or shopping for the hard-to-find ingredients needed to prepare complicated meals. There are many simple steps you can take to enhance your well-being – so simple, in fact, that you might not even notice that you’re doing them. With such minimal effort required, there’s really no excuse not to give these tips a try!
One easy way to adopt a healthy eating strategy is to incorporate into your diet certain “super foods” that have been identified by the country’s top dieticians and nutritionists. For example, you may be able to curb your junk food cravings by savoring the delicious variety of fresh fruits that are readily available at your local supermarket. Relish the vibrant flavors of antioxidant-rich berries, such as blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries, which can help reduce your risk of certain age-related illnesses. You might top your cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, or salad with a mix of fresh berries and mighty walnuts, an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential nutrients that can boost your good cholesterol (HDL) and lower your bad cholesterol (LDL). Or, simply enjoy a bowl of fruits and nuts on their own for breakfast, dessert, or as your “go-to” snack.
Another way you might resist the temptation to swing by the drive-through for a burger and fries on your way home from work is to stock up on boneless, skinless, chicken breasts. This dinner-time staple is never boring because it can be incorporated into an endless variety of recipes. Or, simply toss a few on the grill for a quick and satisfying meal. No matter how you choose to enjoy it, chicken is chock-full of essential vitamins and nutrients. The leanest part of the bird, a half chicken breast has more than 22 grams of protein and just 2.5 grams of fat, which also make it an ideal choice for weight maintenance.
Being active is crucial to good health and well-being. In addition to the numerous physical benefits of a regular fitness routine, your mood will improve because you will feel revitalized and relaxed following the natural release of stress-relieving endorphins that is stimulated by a workout. Indeed, regular exercise can help anyone lead a healthier and more joyful life.
You needn’t miss out on these amazing benefits just because you’re short on time. For example, when you get home from work, you might take a 30-minute walk outside, breathe in the fresh air, and revel in your surroundings. Invite your children and spouse to come along and chat about the day’s events. And don’t forget your dog, who needs his daily dose of exercise, too.
If you have work to do around the house (and who doesn’t?), keep in mind that housework can be a great form of exercise. Break down your cleaning chores into manageable projects targeted for one afternoon or weekend, and you’ll be making great progress and feeling great in no time. Afterwards, you’ll delight in the sense of calm inspired by clean and clutter-free surroundings, along with the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve incorporated some physical activity into your day.
Your time and your health should never be at odds with each other. Without a doubt, spending your valuable time on yourself is one of the most important investments you will ever make.
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public health

Your cat relies on you to help her stay healthy. After all you feed her, take care of her and make all of the decisions for her. Like us humans, cats need certain things to help them foster a strong immune system and maintain overall health. There are a few areas you can focus on to help her stay healthy.
Food Is Your Cat's Foundation
Like us cats need a healthy diet to thrive. What you choose to feed your cat can have a strong impact on her health. Her food is her nutritional foundation. Some cats have a pretty strong system but others can have reactions to some of the ingredients found in conventional cat foods, so it is important to choose healthy cat foods for her.
If you don't know how to read cat food labels it can be difficult to decipher what is really healthy and what may not be so healthy. Look for labels that have more ingredients that you can pronounce and for foods that have whole food ingredients listed at the front. Avoid foods that have a lot of unnamed byproducts. Typically companies who make organic and natural cat food use better ingredients, so if you are unsure of what to buy start with natural or organic cat foods.
The other thing to consider is whether you should feed her wet food or dry food. Dry food is definitely easier, but some cats don't do as well on dry food only. For best results feed your cat wet food or at least a mix of wet and dry. By nature they rely on their food to get some of their water. Cats with urinary problems should eat wet cat food.
Don't Forget The Water
Access to a couple of bowls of fresh water is also an important way to maintain your cat's health, especially if she has had urinary problems in the past. Keep the bowls in different places. Cats often like to drink in a different place than where they eat. If your cat isn't drinking enough even though you have a couple places for her to drink consider a fountain. Cats like to drink moving water.
Cats Need Exercise Too
Your cat also needs regular exercise, just like you, to stay healthy. They also need the exercise for mental stimulation. Cats can get bored and depressed without this. Play with your cat everyday, even if just for a little bit. This can be a fun time for you as well; cats can be pretty entertaining when they play. Try rotating toys so she doesn't get bored.
By providing your cat with some of these basics you can help provide her with the foundation she needs to be healthy. This will give you more quality time with her and it could even help you save money by avoiding some of the common cat health problems.

Be Aware Of The Red Dot inside

Be Aware Of The Red Dot inside

Be Aware Of Red Dot----

This is important information for All

Be Aware Of The Red Dot inside A Red Square Symbol Which Shown On Chocolate Bars Like :

Bounty Chocolate Bar Mars/ Snickers ...

it's Shown Specifically At The Back Beside The Weight Numbers.
That Mark Means That These Products Contains Gelatin Which is Derived From PORK !!

They Put That Mark To Warn People Who Are Vegetarian That The Chocolate Bar Has

Non-Vegetarian Contents/ingredients in it.

Please Share This info With All Your Friends And Remember That

" The One Who Guides Others To Good Deeds is Like The One Who Does Them"
Here are the 10 best fat burning foods

Here are the 10 best fat burning foods

Are you planning to get rid of some extra fats from your body?...

Here are the 10 best fat burning foods

1. Oats : Its not only tastes great but also reduces your hunger. Oats contains fiber which helps and stabilizes the levels of cholesterol.

2. Eggs : Eggs are the rich sources of proteins and low in calories. and it is good for fat burn. Eggs helps us to build the muscles and develops the good cholesterol.

3. Apples : Apples are enriched with powerful antioxidants and other supplements. Most importantly it contains Pectin which helps to reduce the fat cells in the body.

4. Green Chillies : Green chillies contains Capsaicin which helps to develop the body growth cells and burns the calories in quick time.

5. Garlic : Garlic contains Allicin which has anti-bacterial properties helps us to reduce the fat and removes the bad cholesterol.

6. Honey : Honey is the best one to burn fat. Add honey in warm water and take it daily in the early morning.

7. Green Tea : Green Tea is the most effective one which helps you to lose weight. It contains Antioxidants which helps and stabilizes our body weight.Take daily 2 cups of tea for a better results.

8. Tomatoes : Tomatoes helps us to burn the fat in quick time. It also helps us to stay away from cancer. So Take tomatoes in your diet regularly. Every time you eat a tomato, your body releases the hormone cholecystokinin, which stretches the valve between the stomach and intestine. This leads to increased satiety and helps you reduce your daily calorie intake. (Also good for the skin and helps prevent acne and wrinkles.)

9. Dark Chocolate : Dark chocolate contains Flavonoids, anti-inflammatory properties which helps to reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood. It boost the growth of serotonin in the blood and also burns the fat.

10. Wheat Grass : It boosts our metabolism and helps to reduce the fat.

* *Cinnamon: Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon added to coffee or lunch, lowers the levels of blood sugar, reduces insulin secretion and helps your body burn fat instead of storing it. Additionally, cinnamon is a natural sweetener and by using it to replace sugar you can reduce your daily caloric intake. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon to your milk or foods to help your metabolism process the sugars found in foods.
*Side note - I have tried adding cinnamon to my coffee... im not a fan! I have added it to my oats in the morning though along with sweetner, its not bad!




Beware Maggi Lovers : Cooking Maggi Noodles in wrong way is very dangerous for health.

Many of us can't live without " Maggi " especially when one is away from home, in a foreign land. Here is a piece of information to share so that we can remove the potential health hazard of consuming Maggi. Maybe you should print this e-mail to keep as a reminder, pin it up in the kitchen or dining room as reminder or in your purse if you are always traveling.
Do Not Ignore This ... Especially those fond of Maggi...

Correct Way Of Cooking Noodles
The correct way to cook instant noodles without harming our bodies and health:
Normally, how we cook the instant noodles is to put the noodles into a pot with water, throw in the powder and let it cook for around 3 minutes and then it's ready to eat. This is the WRONG way and dangerous method of cooking the instant noodles like Maggi. By doing this, when we actually boil the ingredients in the powder,normally with MSG, it will change the molecular structure of the MSG, causing it to be toxic. The other thing that you may or may not realize is that, the noodles are coated with wax and it will take around 4 to 5 days for the body to excrete the wax after you have eaten the noodles.


1. Boil the noodles in a pot of water.
2. Once the noodles are cooked, take out the noodles, and throw away the water which contains wax.
3. Boil another pot of water, add the cooked noodles into the hot boiling water and then turn off the stove.
4. Only at this stage when the stove is off, and while the water is very hot, add the flavouring powder into the water, to make noodle soup.
5. However, if you need dry noodles, remove the noodles and add the flavoring powder and toss it to get dry noodles.
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Dumb Cane or Dieffenbachia


This plant is very common at our houses, gardens, parks and offices (popular as indoor & outdoor plant). The plant (Dumb Cane or Dieffenbachia) is now proven to be DANGEROUS, so, please take care!

I know that the leaf of this plant causes itching if its sap (milk) touches your skin. But there are more dangerous facts! Read the details below.

May be useful for you. You better believe it.


One of my friends almost lost her daughter who put a piece of the leaf of this plant in her mouth and her tongue swelled to the point of suffocation. This is one plant but there are others with the same characteristics of coloring. Those are also poisonous and we should get rid of them. Please watch out for our children. As we all leave our children at home in the hands of a nanny, we should give them a safe environment where they can play .

Name: Dumb Cane or Dieffenbachia

“This plant that we have in our homes and offices is extremely dangerous!

This plant is common in Rwanda. It is a DEADLY POISON, most specially for the children. It can kill a kid in less than a minute and an adult in 15 minutes. It should be uprooted from gardens and taken out of offices. If touched, one should never touch his/her eyes; it can cause partial or permanent blindness. PLEASE ALERT YOUR FRIENDS
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Carrot + Ginger + Apple - Boost and cleanse our system.

Apple + Cucumber + Celery - Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and eliminate stomach upset and headache.

Tomato + Carrot + Apple - Improve skin complexion and eliminate bad breath.

Bitter gou rd + Apple + Milk - Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.

Orange + Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.

Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon - To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.

Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi - To improve skin complexion.

Pear & Banana - regulates sugar content.

Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango - Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization .

Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk - Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cell activity and str engthen body immunity.

Papaya + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.

Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation
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Natural Therapy For Headaches !

Natural Therapy For Headaches !
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.......

The nose has a left and a right side.
We use both to inhale and exhale.
Actually they are different.
You'll be able to feel the difference.

The right side represents the sun.
The left side represents the moon.

During a headache, try to close your right nose
and use your left nose to breathe.
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.

If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose
and breathe through your right nose.
After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed.

Right side belongs to 'hot', so it gets heated up easily.
Left side belongs to 'cold'.

Most females breathe with their left noses,
so they get "cooled off" faster.
Most of the guys breathe with their right noses,
they get worked up.

Do you notice, the moment you awake, which side breathes better?
Left or right ?
If left is better, you will feel tired.
So, close your left nose and use your right nose for breathing..
You will feel refreshed quickly.

Do you suffer from continual headaches?
Try out this breathing therapy.

Close your right nose and breathe through your left nose.
Your headaches will be gone.
Continued the exercise for one month.

Why not give it a try.....a natural therapy without medication.
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A couple lost their 25 year old son in a fire at home on June 4th. The son who had graduated with MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison two weeks earlier had come home for a while. He had lunch with his dad at home and decided to go back to clean up his hostel room. His father told him to wait, to meet his mother, before he went back for a few days. He decided to take a nap while waiting for his mom to come back home from work. Some time later their neighbors called 911 when they saw black smoke coming out of the house.
Unfortunately, the 25 years old died in the three year old house. It took several days of investigation to find out the cause of the fire.
It was determined that the fire was caused by the laptop resting on the bed. When the laptop was on the bed cooling fan did not get the air to cool the computer and that is what caused the fire. He did not even wake up to get out of the bed because he died of breathing in carbon monoxide emitted out of burnt laptop.
The reason I am writing this to all of you is that I have seen many of us and also our brothers& sisters sons&daughters friends&family using the laptop while in bed. Let us all decide and make it a practice not to do that. The risk is real. Let us make it a rule not to use the laptop on bed with blankets and pillows around. Please educate as many people as you can.
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Aloe Vera For Hair fall

Aloe Vera For Hair fall

Aloe Vera juice is very effective to stop hair loss. Pure aloe gel can be applied directly to the scalp. This is helpful for preventing hair loss due to irritated, dry or infected scalp. Aleo Vera is a perfect for healing the scalp and bringing the pH balance to normal. After massaging the head with aloe gel, wait for few hours and then wash the hair with lukewarm water. You should do this twice a week for best results. It also has cleansing properties that cleans the pores out.

Blend aloe vera gel with 1/2 tsp. lemon juice
Add 2tbsp. coconut oil.
Mix it and apply on your scalp and hair.
Wash your hair as usual after 20 min.
weekly 3 time

Here are some more hair fall home remedies you can try.

Coconut Milk:
Coconut milk is among the richest sources of tissue-nourishing, plant derivatives. Grind the grated coconut and squeeze it to remove its juice. Massaging coconut milk (juice) on the scalp can also help in the management of hair fall.

Oil Massage:
Regular massaging the scalp for a few minutes every day with lukewarm oil will lead to stimulation of blood flow to the scalp. Coconut oil helps in controlling hail fall. Other recommended oils are: Jojoba oil, almond oil, mustard oil, lavender oil. Jojoba oil is especially good because it replaces the sebum in the scalp. It also helps to control dandruff.

Hair fall preventive packs:
When hair fall is really severe, then a preventive hair pack is the way to go. Here are a few packs, you can try at home.

Pack 1: Aloe Vera mixed with herbal Amla, shikakai and neem powder gives lustrous hair.
Pack 2: Henna, egg whites and curd when used together stops hair fall.
Pack 3: Honey, olive oil, cinnamon mixed together make for a soothing yet effective hair growth pack.

Don't Forget To Share
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literally of life and death


This is a vital information - literally of life and death - Be sure to read it and send it to those who appreciate it.

We spend the night with clean and underarm deodorant, to be a free breathing time the armpit.
Some time ago, I went to a seminar on Breast Cancer, led by Terry Birk with support from Dan Sullivan.

During the discussion, asked why the most common reason for developing breast cancer tumors is near the armpit.
My question could not be answered at that time.
This information was sent to me recently, and I'm glad it has been answered.
I informed a friend who is undergoing chemotherapy and she said that I had this information, obtained in a support group that frequents ...
Now I want to share information with you.!The main cause of Breast Cancer
is the use of anti-perspirant!

Most products on the market are a combination of anti-perspirant/deodorants.
Look at the labels!
Deodorant is fine,
The concentration of toxins causes
cell mutation:
CANCER. Here's why:

The human body is just a few areas where it can eliminate toxins: behind the knees, behind the ears, the English area and armpits.
Toxins are eliminated through perspiration.
The anti-perspirant, as the name says, prevents you from perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body to eliminate toxins through the armpits.
These toxins do not magically disappear.

As not come with sweat, the organism ta deposited in the lymph glands found under the arms.
Most breast cancers occur in the upper outside quadrant of the breast area.
Precisely where are the glands in men seems to occur to a lesser extent, but are not exempt from
Breast Cancer develop because of the anti-perspirant used instead of soap and water.
The difference lies in the fact that when men use anti-perspirant, not applied directly to the skin, they do so in large part on the hair of the armpits.

Women who apply antiperspirant or aftershave shaving the underarms, increase the risk due to tiny injuries and skin irritations which make harmful chemical components to penetrate more quickly into the body,

Please pass this informatión everyone ...
Breast Cancer is becoming frighteningly common and this warning may save some lives.
If somehow doubt this information, they can make their own investigations
They'll probably come to the same conclusion.
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Girls from black and Asian ethnic minorities

Girls from black and Asian ethnic minorities are less likely to be vaccinated against cervical cancer, research suggests.
In a survey by University College London of 2,000 teenagers from 13 London schools, unvaccinated girls also said they would be less likely to go for a smear test when adults.
The HPV vaccine is offered to all girls aged 12-13 in schools across the UK.
Girls who are not vaccinated have an increased risk of cervical cancer.
Sara Hiom, Cancer Research UK's director of early diagnosis, said it was important that as many girls as possible were protected.
"It's vital that girls, along with their parents, understand the importance of both these programmes, which are designed to prevent cancer from developing.
"As well as cervical cancer, research has shown that HPV also increases the risk of developing other cancers, such as some types of mouth, head and neck cancers, anal cancer and other genital cancers."
'Knowledge about the disease' The HPV vaccine was introduced in the UK in 2008, with a national vaccination programme for girls in Year 8 at school. To be fully protected, girls need to receive three doses of the vaccine within six months.
Cervical cancer is largely preventable through vaccination against HPV, the virus that causes it, as well as cervical screening in adulthood, which picks up any problems early.
Continue reading the main story

Start Quote

We need to understand the reasons for ethnic inequalities in uptake, as well as working to ensure that unvaccinated women understand the importance of cervical screening”
Dr Jo Waller University College London lead researcher
In the UCL survey, 85% of white girls said they had received the three doses, compared with 78% of Asian, 74% of "other" ethnicity and 69% of black girls.
The findings, being presented at a National Cancer Research Institute conference in Liverpool, also revealed there was no link between the vaccine status of the girls who were surveyed and their level of sexual activity.
Laura Marlowe, a researcher at UCL, said religious beliefs could have a part to play in the lower uptake figures for Asian girls but they could not explain the figures for the black girls.
Dr Jo Waller, lead researcher at UCL, said more research was needed to find out why there was a difference between ethnic groups.
"We need to understand the reasons for ethnic inequalities in uptake, as well as working to ensure that unvaccinated women understand the importance of cervical screening."
Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust has carried out research into awareness of cervical cancer among ethnic minority groups and charity director Robert Music said its results showed "a clear difference in levels of knowledge about the disease and ways to prevent it".
Pre-cancerous changes He said: "Less than half of black and minority ethnic women knew the human papillomavirus causes cervical cancer."
The findings also showed that a third more black and minority ethnic than white women said they had never attended a cervical screening appointment.
Around five million women are invited for cervical screening in England each year when a smear test looks for pre-cancerous changes in the cells lining the cervix.
The tests are routinely offered to women aged 25 to 64.
In Scotland, the age at which women are first offered a cervical screening test will be raised from 20 to 25 in 2015.
From September, women in Wales are now being invited for smear tests when they reach 25. This is because research concluded that screening women under 25 was not an effective way of preventing cervical cancer.

health treasure
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Poverty 'linked to breast cancer deaths'

Hundreds of women from the poorest backgrounds in England are dying needlessly of breast cancer, according to researchers.
Data presented at the National Cancer Research Institute conference showed poverty was linked to 450 breast cancer deaths a year.
Catching the tumour late is thought to be a major explanation for the deaths.
The Department of Health said "much more" could be done to diagnose and treat cancer earlier.
Cancer charities and the researchers urged women to see their GP promptly.
'Harder to treat' Scientists from Cambridge and Leicester universities used data from 20,738 patients in the east of England who had breast cancer diagnosed between 2006 and 2010.
They looked at what stage of the cancer the tumours were being diagnosed. The later the diagnosis, the more advanced the tumour and the harder it is to treat.
Women from the most affluent areas were catching their tumours earlier, the data showed.
The study found that if women from more socially deprived backgrounds could match the level of diagnosis among the more affluent, 450 lives could be saved each year in England.
Continue reading the main story

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We are spending £450 million to help diagnose cancer earlier, which will save thousands of extra lives every year”
Department of Health
One of the researchers, Dr Gary Abel, of the University of Cambridge, told the BBC it was not entirely clear why poverty affected women's chances of survival.
"But we think it's to do with both symptom awareness amongst the more deprived women and also what action they take once they find that there is something wrong - and how quickly they go to their GP," he said.
"What we seem to see is that women from more affluent areas will go straight to their GP, seek help immediately. Whereas women from more deprived areas maybe tend to hold back before going.
He called for a "renewed effort" to boost awareness campaigns, pointing out that around 70% of those with breast cancer were diagnosed by their GP - not through the national screening programme.
"Clearly this research shows that there is still work to be done and perhaps we need to move beyond just telling people what the symptoms are and encouraging people to go and see their GP as quickly as possible."
'More to do' Dr Julie Sharp, of Cancer Research UK, said: "Other research shows that women from deprived backgrounds are more likely to feel embarrassed or worried about going to their GP, but it's important for women to take that step as going to the GP promptly could make all the difference."
"All women should be aware of how their breasts normally look and feel because we know that early diagnosis is one of the most important factors in whether breast cancer treatment is effective."
Eluned Hughes, head of public health at Breakthrough Breast Cancer, added: "By focusing on improving early diagnosis, particularly in deprived areas, we can have most impact in stopping women dying from breast cancer.
A Department of Health spokesman said much more could be done to diagnose and treat cancer earlier.
"We are spending £450 million to help diagnose cancer earlier, which will save thousands of extra lives every year, and we are investing more than £170 million over four years to expand and introduce pioneering new methods of screening for cancer.
"We are also committed to reducing inequalities in cancer care - that's why our Be clear on cancer campaigns are aimed at more disadvantaged groups and try to build awareness of cancer symptoms."
Previous research by Public Health England has shown a strong link between poverty and health. Cancer, heart attacks, strokes, lung disease and liver disease are all more likely in areas of social deprivation.

health treasure
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fat burner

Apple cider vinegar and grapefruit fat flush

This fat flush drink is made apple cider vinegar, grapefruits, oranges and raw honey.
1. Apple cider vinegar aids with weight loss by regulating blood sugar levels. Insulin will not direct sugar to be stored as fat.

2. Grapefruit juice is one of the best fat-burning foods and a cellulite remover. It improves blood flow, helps metabolize sugar in the blood and reduces fluid retention.

3. Oranges are alkaline-forming and packed with vitamin C. They will help boost your immune system and help you flush away fat and toxins from your body while alkalizing it.

4. Honey: Many of us may not think of eating honey for weight loss, but honey may be a useful food when it comes to weight loss.

Since it is a simple sugar, NOT a refined and processed sugar, it contains vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Honey helps boost and speed up the metabolism which aids the body burn fat. Raw honey helps stabilize our blood sugar level, which results in less food cravings.

Honey has a healthier glycemic index (GI) than sugar, therefore it doesn’t cause a sugar rush. It is gradually absorbed into our body.

Action: In a BPA-free pitcher add the following:
1 cup of fresh grapefruit juice
1/2 cup of orange juice
1 Tbsp Apple cider vinegar
1 Tbsp raw honey
You can keep up to 2 days
Drink 2 times a day before a meal.

NOTE: If you are taking any medication, DO NOT consume grapefruit or its juice as it may interfere with the metabolism of the drugs.
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1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.
This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4. High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.

7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.

Share This Helpful Information With Your Beloved Ones.
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Sugary drinks tax (20%!) effective public health measure

all for your health

The impact would be greatest in the under-30s, the Oxford and Reading university study suggests.

But some groups say a tax is misguided and simplistic, and would not have an impact on older age groups who might benefit most from losing weight.
Earlier this year doctors called for a soft drinks tax to reduce sugar intake.
Sugar-sweetened drinks, when taken regularly, have been shown to increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
A typical sugary drink can contain six to 15 teaspoons of sugar. One teaspoon of sugar is equivalent to 4g of sugar or 16 calories.
A 20% tax would add about 12p to the price of a 330ml can of fizzy drink bought in a supermarket or about 40p to the cost of two-litre bottle.
The researchers in this study estimated that such a tax could cut drinks purchases by 15% and lead to a reduced energy intake of 28 calories per person per week.
Overall, they estimated that such a tax would reduce the number of obese UK adults by 1.3% and the number of overweight adults by 0.9%.
Start QuoteThe cost of sugar-sweetened beverages is currently so low that any price increase would be so marginal that it would be unlikely to affect intake”Prof Tom SandersKing's College LondonAmong younger adults, aged 16-29, who drink larger quantities of sugary drinks (300ml per day) than older adults (60ml per day), the researchers predicted a reduction of 128,000 in the number of obese adults - a bigger impact than for other age groups.
Complex causesBut Gavin Partington, director general of the British Soft Drinks Association, said soft drinks were not to blame for obesity."There's ample evidence to suggest that taxing soft drinks won't curb obesity, not least because its causes are far more complex than this simplistic approach implies.
"Indeed, the latest official guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence points to the need to look at overall diet and lifestyle.
"Trying to blame one set of products is misguided, particularly when they comprise a mere 2% of calories in the average diet."
Dr Adam Briggs, lead study author from the Nuffield Department of Population Health at Oxford University, said their research led them to conclude that taxing sugar-sweetened drinks "is a promising population measure".
He said: "Sugar-sweetened drinks are known to be bad for health and our research indicates that a 20% tax could result in a meaningful reduction in the number of obese adults in the UK.
"Such a tax is not going to solve obesity by itself, but we have shown it could be an effective public health measure and should be considered alongside other measures to tackle obesity in the UK."
The study modelled the health effects of a 20% tax using data from a number of different surveys, which provided information on drinks consumption, drinks-purchasing trends and the prevalence of obesity in the four countries of the UK.
Some experts, including Tom Sanders, professor of nutrition and dietetics at King's College London, felt the findings were "naive".
He said: "Most nutritionists agree it would be better to drink water than sugar-sweetened beverages. However, many consumers like sweet drinks and if they could not afford to buy sugary fizzy drinks they can always revert to drinking tea with added sugar as in the past.
"The cost of sugar-sweetened beverages is currently so low that any price increase would be so marginal that it would be unlikely to affect intake."
Better protectionIn the past year, however, there have been calls for a tax on fizzy drinks from the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and from food and farming charity Sustain.
Malcolm Clark, from Sustain, said the BMJ study provided more evidence that a duty on sugary drinks would improve the diet and health of children and young people.
He said the duty should cover all sugar-sweetened drinks, including those - like flavoured waters and juice drinks - that parents often don't realise have added sugar.
He added: "We challenge the government to show it has a public health backbone by introducing a sugary drinks duty, alongside better protection for children from junk food marketing and robust nutrition and sustainability standards for all the food served in schools, hospitals and other publicly funded places."
A spokesperson from the Department of Health said the Responsibility Deal, which a number of soft drinks companies have voluntarily signed up to pledging to reduce sugar in their drinks, was helping people to make healthier choices.

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US consumers want tougher probe of engineered salmon

SUMMARY: A consumer group petitioned the Food And Drug Administration this week to subject engineered salmon (called frankenfish by its opponents) to more strict review guidelines. The group argues that the modified fish contains hormones associated with certain cancers.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three U.S. consumer groups petitioned the Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday to subject a new genetically engineered salmon to a more rigorous review process than is now in place before the fish can be approved as safe to eat.
The fish at issue, AquaBounty Technologies' AquAdvantage salmon, is currently classified as a new animal drug for the purposes of FDA review.
The FDA considers any genetically altered animal a new animal drug for approval purposes. The petition calls for the salmon to be classified as a food additive instead, which would require a more rigorous FDA review.
AquaBounty is seeking U.S. approval to market its engineered Atlantic salmon, which contains a gene from another fish species, the Chinook salmon, to help it grow twice as fast as normal.
The consumer groups' petition says the way these salmon are created substantially alters their composition and nutritional value, and so they should be treated as a food additive. Under this standard, they said, the company's data would have to overwhelmingly prove AquAdvantage salmon are safe to eat.
The consumer groups -- Food & Water Watch, Consumers Union, and the Center for Food Safety -- said in a statement the "new animal drug" designation is insufficient to protect public health. The review process for food additives offers greater protection, they said.
AquaBounty had no comment on the petition.
The FDA did not comment specifically on the petition, but confirmed that the company's application for FDA approval for AquAdvantage salmon is under review, and that genetically engineered animals are evaluated under the new animal drug provisions of U.S. law.
AquaBounty has said in the past that it sees these genetically modified salmon as a potential solution to environmental concerns associated with salmon aquaculture, and discounted fears they might accidentally escape into the wild and affect other fish.
However, Food & Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter said the company's own study showed that genetically engineered salmon may contain increased levels of a hormone linked to breast, colon, prostate and lung cancer.
The petitioners said a proper review would require genetically engineered salmon to go through comprehensive toxicological studies to ensure the fish are safe to consume and properly labeled.
If approved, AquAdvantage would be the first genetically altered animal for human consumption in the United States.
Genetically modified vegetables such as corn have long been on the U.S. market, and the FDA allows modified animals as pets or to help produce biologic medicines.
There is no timeline for an FDA decision. As a matter of policy, the FDA does not comment on citizen petitions.
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12 Million Motrin Caplets Recalled

SUMMARY: Although consumer safety is not at risk, a recall of 12 million Motrin IB coated caplets is underway with retail stores, due to their reduced efficacy as they near their expiration date.
Once again, Johnson and Johnson has issued a recall for a popular pain reliever. Although contamination is not the reason this time around, the company will take a pretty big hit in their announcement that 12 million bottles of Motrin IB coated caplets need to be removed from retailer shelves.
The Motrin caplets, which had a three-year expiration date, are nearing that date, and the company has found that the pills may not dissolve and begin working as soon as intended, which could delay relief of pain.
The recall is not at the consumer level, and only affects retailers who still have older bottles on their shelves. This is due to the fact that there is no safety concern, such as tampering or contamination.
According to the press release: McNeil is recalling these products because testing of product samples showed that some caplets may not dissolve as quickly as intended when nearing their expiration date. Out of an abundance of caution, we are recalling all the listed products since there is a chance they could experience a similar problem as they approach expiration.
The full list of lot numbers for the Motrin recall can be found here.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the McNeil-Johnson & Johnson Consumer Call Center at 1-888-222-6036 (available Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time).
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It's not as easy as you think.
It's important to know how and when to eat.



It will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities.

FRUIT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOOD. Let's say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so.

In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid. The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil....

Eat fruit on an empty stomach or before meals! People complain, "Every time I eat watermelon I burp; when I eat apples, my stomach bloats up; when I eat a banana🍌 I feel like running to the toilet, etc ” This will not arise if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach. Fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas, hence you will bloat!

Gray hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under eyes will NOT happen by taking fruit on an empty stomach.

There is no such thing as some fruits, like orange and lemon 🍋are acidic, because all fruits become alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert Shelton who did research on this matter. Master the correct way of eating fruits, and you will have beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight.

Drink only fresh fruit juice, NOT from the cans. Don't even drink juice that has been heated up. Don't eat cooked fruits because you don't get the nutrients at all. Cooking destroys all the vitamins.

Eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice. If you should drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it. You can go on a 3-day fruit fast to cleanse your body. Just eat fruits and drink fruit juice throughout the 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look!

KIWI: 🍈A good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E & fiber. Its vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.

APPLE: Although an apple has a low vitamin C content, it has antioxidants & flavonoids which enhances the activity of vitamin C thereby helping to lower risks of colon cancer, heart attack & stroke.

STRAWBERRY: .. have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits & protect from cancer-causing, blood vessel-clogging free radicals.

ORANGE : Taking 2-4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent & dissolve kidney stones as well as lessening the risk of colon cancer.

WATERMELON: Composed of 92% water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione, which helps boost our immune system. A key source of lycopene the cancer fighting oxidant. Other nutrients found in watermelon are vitamin C & Potassium.

GUAVA & PAPAYA: 🍈 for their high vitamin C content. Guava is also rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene; good for your eyes.

Drinking Cold water after meals = Cancer!

It will solidify the oily stuff you have just consumed and slow down digestion... Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. This will turn into fats and lead to cancer. Better to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

HEART ATTACK PROCEDURE': Not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of pain in the jaw line. You may never have chest pain during a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are common symptoms. Sixty percent who have an attack while asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can awaken you.

Must Share....
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Video consults with dermatologists aid treatment

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - After a live video consult with a dermatologist, almost every patient who'd previously been checked out by a primary care doctor had a change in their diagnosis or in their treatment, in a new study from California.
Researchers also found that having more "teledermatology" appointments meant it was more likely that a patient's condition would improve.
The findings are further evidence, experts said, that video conferencing with a far-away skin doctor might help people who live in remote areas where specialists are hard to come by -- or even those who have a dermatologist nearby, but have to wait a long time for an appointment.
"You can see the value in timely access to expert dermatological care, so that patients aren't given the wrong diagnosis and treated with a series of therapies that may not be helpful to them and may be costly," said Dr. Karen Edison, a dermatologist from the University of Missouri in Columbia who studies telemedicine, but was not involved in the new study.
Researchers said that while teledermatology is commonly used by the military for deployed soldiers, the concept hasn't seriously taken off among the general public -- but that may be changing.
"The patient really likes teledermatology because they get to see you and talk to you and have their questions answered," said Dr. April Armstrong, from the University of California, Davis School of Medicine in Sacramento, who worked on the new study.
"It really truly mimics face-to-face interaction," Armstrong told Reuters Health.
She said a typical video consult would last about 15 minutes, with a dermatologist on one end and the patient and primary care doctor on the other. The referring doctor's office would need to have a high-resolution camera for conferencing to give the dermatologist a detailed view of the patient's skin lesions.
To better understand how useful those types of conferences are, Armstrong and her colleagues collected the records of 1,500 patients who were evaluated through telemedicine by skin doctors at their university between 2003 and 2005.
They found that the video consult led to a change in diagnosis from the referring primary care doctor's decision in 70 percent of cases. Those changes included a diagnosis of psoriasis or eczema when primary care doctors had originally suspected a skin infection, or a change in the determination of whether or not lesions were considered cancerous.
Even more frequently, the consults led to a recommendation to start or stop taking a particular medication, or to change medication doses or the way a medication was given.
In total, there was a change in how a patient's condition was managed after almost 98 percent of video consults, the researchers reported in the Archives of Dermatology this week.
In a smaller group of 313 patients who had multiple teledermatology consults in a single year, Armstrong and her colleagues found that with each follow-up conference, patients were twice as likely to see improvement in their skin condition.
"Across the board, most people would say that of course an in-person exam is going to be better than any kind of telederm," said Dr. Erin Warshaw, chief of dermatology at the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Health Care System, who didn't participate in the new research.
"But for those people in rural areas, the real question is whether telederm is better than no derm, or than derm provided by a primary care doctor."
The current study can't truly answer that, Warshaw told Reuters Health, because there was no "control" group of patients who were only treated through primary care, with no access to teledermatology.
The "vast majority" of dermatologists still don't do video conferencing, Edison said, and access is mostly limited to soldiers, prisoners and people in some underserved communities. One of the problems is that it's much less profitable than doing dermatology in person for the doctor, she said, and another is that not enough people are trained to do teledermatology during medical school or in continuing education courses for skin doctors.
Though live teledermatology may currently be inefficient for many doctors, researchers said insurance would typically cover the sessions.
Armstrong thinks the United States is on the cusp of a new generation with much more acceptance of telemedicine, which could improve treatment and health outcomes for people without easy access to dermatologists.
"Sometimes you really need an expert, and when primary care really needs an expert dermatologist, teledermatology is a nice way to ensure that patients have timely access," Edison said.
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Ten Tips To Help You Control Your High Blood Pressure

1. Make sure your blood pressure is under 140/90 mm Hg. If your systolic pressure (the top number) is over 140, ask your doctor what you can do to lower it.

2. Take your high blood pressure medicine, if prescribed, every day. If you have questions, talk to your doctor.

3. Aim for a healthy weight. If you are overweight or obese, carrying this extra weight increases your risk of high blood pressure. One way to determine if you need to lose weight is to find out your body mass index or BMI. If your BMI is above the healthy range (i.e., 25 or greater), or if your waist measurement is greater than 35 inches (women) or 40 inches (men) you probably have excess abdominal weight and you may benefit from weight loss especially if you have other risk factors. Talk to your doctor to see if you are at increased risk for high blood pressure and need to lose weight.

4. Increase your physical activity. Do at least 30 minutes of moderate activity, such as walking, most days of the week. You can do 30 minutes in three 10-minute segments.

5. Choose foods low in salt and sodium. Most Americans should consume no more than 2.4 grams (2,400 milligrams) of sodium a day. That equals 6 grams, about one teaspoon of table salt a day. For someone with high blood pressure, the doctor may advise less.

6. Read nutrition labels. Almost all packaged foods contain sodium. Every time you prepare or eat a packaged food, know how much sodium is in one serving.

7. Keep a sodium diary. You may be surprised at how much sodium you consume each day and the diary will help you decide which foods to decrease or eliminate.

8. Use spices and herbs instead of salt to season the food you prepare at home.

9. Eat more fruits, vegetables, grains, and low-fat dairy foods.

10. If you consume alcohol at all, consume moderate amount or restrict...
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New cholesterol treatment guidelines could double number of Americans taking statins

It is estimated that 33 million Americans - 44% of men and 22% of women - would meet the threshold for taking statins, under the advice issued by two leading US medical organisations.The drugs are currently recommended for 15% of adults.The guidelines for the first time take aim at strokes, not just heart attacks.Under the current advice, statins are recommended for those who have total cholesterol over 200 and LDL, or "bad cholesterol", of over 100.But the new recommendations, issued by the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology, place much less emphasis on setting numerical cholesterol-lowering targets for patients.The advice introduces a new formula for calculating a patient's risk of heart disease based on such factors as age, gender and race, instead of high cholesterol levels alone."This guideline represents a departure from previous guidelines because it doesn't focus on specific target levels of LDL, or bad cholesterol, although the definition of optimal LDL cholesterol has not changed," Dr Neil Stone, author of the report, said in a statement.It is thought that more women and African-Americans, who are deemed to be at higher risk of stroke, could find themselves taking statins if they follow the guidelines.The panel focused on four groups they believe statins would benefit most: people already suffering from heart disease; those with LDL levels of 190 or higher because of genetic risk; older adults with type 2 diabetes; and older adults with a 10-year risk of heart disease greater that 7.5%.The panel also recommended a "diet pattern" based on vegetables, fruits and whole grains and moderate to vigorous exercise three to four times a week for all adults.Roughly half of those drafting the guidelines had financial ties to makers of heart drugs.But panel leaders said that no-one with industry connections was allowed to vote on the actual recommendations."It is practically impossible to find a large group of outside experts in the field who have no relationships to industry," Dr George Mensah, of the AHA, told the Associated Press news agency.He said the guidelines were based on solid evidence.Many of the patents on popular statins, such as Lipitor and Zocor, have expired, with generic versions being offered cheaply.But Crestor, a statin made by AstraZeneca, remains under patent, with sales of $8.3bn (£5.2bn) in 2012.

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