Smoking scourge era many teenagers and kids smoked and is a great danger and dangerous that there are myths espoused by people smoking all the wrong and let us learn today
Myth 1: Aadaty other health compensate for what caused by
smoking Some smokers justify that their habit, such as proper nutrition
and exercise a lot of sport enough to keep them healthy. Not so.
"Research shows that eating a
healthy diet and exercise do not
reduce the health risks associated with smoking smoking affects every
organ in the body, and thinking that living the ideal lifestyle and you
smoke is not realistic To take a truckload of daily vitamins do not
improve the lethal effects of tobacco, "says Michael Fiore C., MD,
professor of medicine and director of the Center for Tobacco Research
and Intervention at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin
Myth 2: switching to "light" cigarettes will reduce the dangers.
Smokers who are turning to commercial products labeled "diet" or "light"
make up for the lower levels of tar and nicotine by inhaling smoke more
deeply or by smoking more of each cigarette. Most of those who smoke
light cigarettes are getting the same amount of regular ingredients in
the regular cigarettes understanding of dying from lung cancer, stroke
and heart disease Similarly, cigarettes labeled "natural" or "organic"
is not safer than regular cigarettes. "You do not need to add anything
to the tobacco to kill you," says Fiore.
Myth 3: smoke for a
long time, has already been damage. Damage caused by smoking is
cumulative, and the more a person smokes more than his dangers of
life-threatening diseases. But quitting smoking at any age brings health
benefits. "Your health will improve, even if you quit in the 70," says
Norman Edelman H., MD, chief medical officer of the American Lung
Association. Benefits of quitting smoking begin the day stop. "Within a
month, you will feel that you have more air, because you do," "Within a
year, will reduce your risk of heart attack by 50%." According to the
American Cancer Society, who stop smoking from the age of 35 to prevent
90% of the risk of health problems for the smoker. Smoker who takes off
before ending the age of 50 Ikql risk of death within the next 15 years
compared with someone who did not do half.
Myth 4: Trying to
quit smoking will put me under pressure - and this is not healthy. True,
the process of the withdrawal of tobacco stressful. But there is no
evidence that stress and be negative long-term effects. In fact,
research shows that smokers who quit smoking eating better and
exercising more sport, and feeling better about themselves. "They're in a
better place," says Fiore. "So I hate many smokers today they are
addicted, and they were taking money out of the family budget and
putting it toward cigarettes Alqatlhoho smoking habit pack-a-day cost
2000 dollars, says Edelman.
Myth 5: weight gain that comes with
quitting smoking is unhealthy, such as smoking. Smokers who quit
smoking gain an average of 14 pounds, but the threat posed by carrying
extra weight "is miniscule compared to the risk of continuing to smoke,"
says Fiore.
Myth 6: Quick Start is the only way. Some smokers
believe that quitting smoking suddenly the best approach is that
willpower is the only effective tool to curb tobacco cravings. Are
partly right: the commitment is essential. But smokers are more likely
to succeed in quitting if they take advantage of the counseling and
medications for smoking cessation, including nicotine (gum, patches,
lozenges, inhalers, or nasal spray) and drugs counseling increase the
likelihood of success by 60%, and take your medicine doubles the
Myth 7: nicotine products such as smoking,
unhealthy. Nicotine is safe when used as directed. Use nicotine every
day for years would be safer than smoking, says Fiore. After all,
nicotine given nicotine products only. Cigarette nicotine along with
4000 another compound, including more than 60 known carcinogens,
according to the American Lung Association.
Myth 8: quit
smoking in stages "Reduce the number of cigarettes that are not an
effective strategy. "Smokers who underestimate the number of cigarettes
smoked more deeply and smoke more cigarettes . Although they smoke
Oqlala cigarettes they are getting the same dose of toxic smoke.
Myth 9: I'm the only one who Atdharr due to smoking. Tobacco smoke also
harms the people around you. In the United States, secondhand smoke
causes about 50,000 deaths annually. Note that the waiter or waitress
who works eight hours at a bar smoking inhale toxic smoke Bakdrcbr
smoked per day, says Fiore.
Myth 10: I tried to quit smoking
once and failed, so there is no point to try again. Most smokers try
several times before quitting for good. So if you have failed before, do
not let that deterrent you try again. "Every time people quit smoking ,
they learn things that can be useful for the next attempt to quit
smoking Preparation / Samir breeze slave Team every day medical
information Source: medicinenet
smoking Some smokers justify that their habit, such as proper nutrition and exercise a lot of sport enough to keep them healthy. Not so. "Research shows that eating a
healthy diet and exercise do not reduce the health risks associated with smoking smoking affects every organ in the body, and thinking that living the ideal lifestyle and you smoke is not realistic To take a truckload of daily vitamins do not improve the lethal effects of tobacco, "says Michael Fiore C., MD, professor of medicine and director of the Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin
Myth 2: switching to "light" cigarettes will reduce the dangers. Smokers who are turning to commercial products labeled "diet" or "light" make up for the lower levels of tar and nicotine by inhaling smoke more deeply or by smoking more of each cigarette. Most of those who smoke light cigarettes are getting the same amount of regular ingredients in the regular cigarettes understanding of dying from lung cancer, stroke and heart disease Similarly, cigarettes labeled "natural" or "organic" is not safer than regular cigarettes. "You do not need to add anything to the tobacco to kill you," says Fiore.
Myth 3: smoke for a long time, has already been damage. Damage caused by smoking is cumulative, and the more a person smokes more than his dangers of life-threatening diseases. But quitting smoking at any age brings health benefits. "Your health will improve, even if you quit in the 70," says Norman Edelman H., MD, chief medical officer of the American Lung Association. Benefits of quitting smoking begin the day stop. "Within a month, you will feel that you have more air, because you do," "Within a year, will reduce your risk of heart attack by 50%." According to the American Cancer Society, who stop smoking from the age of 35 to prevent 90% of the risk of health problems for the smoker. Smoker who takes off before ending the age of 50 Ikql risk of death within the next 15 years compared with someone who did not do half.
Myth 4: Trying to quit smoking will put me under pressure - and this is not healthy. True, the process of the withdrawal of tobacco stressful. But there is no evidence that stress and be negative long-term effects. In fact, research shows that smokers who quit smoking eating better and exercising more sport, and feeling better about themselves. "They're in a better place," says Fiore. "So I hate many smokers today they are addicted, and they were taking money out of the family budget and putting it toward cigarettes Alqatlhoho smoking habit pack-a-day cost 2000 dollars, says Edelman.
Myth 5: weight gain that comes with quitting smoking is unhealthy, such as smoking. Smokers who quit smoking gain an average of 14 pounds, but the threat posed by carrying extra weight "is miniscule compared to the risk of continuing to smoke," says Fiore.
Myth 6: Quick Start is the only way. Some smokers believe that quitting smoking suddenly the best approach is that willpower is the only effective tool to curb tobacco cravings. Are partly right: the commitment is essential. But smokers are more likely to succeed in quitting if they take advantage of the counseling and medications for smoking cessation, including nicotine (gum, patches, lozenges, inhalers, or nasal spray) and drugs counseling increase the likelihood of success by 60%, and take your medicine doubles the possibilities.
Myth 7: nicotine products such as smoking, unhealthy. Nicotine is safe when used as directed. Use nicotine every day for years would be safer than smoking, says Fiore. After all, nicotine given nicotine products only. Cigarette nicotine along with 4000 another compound, including more than 60 known carcinogens, according to the American Lung Association.
Myth 8: quit smoking in stages "Reduce the number of cigarettes that are not an effective strategy. "Smokers who underestimate the number of cigarettes smoked more deeply and smoke more cigarettes . Although they smoke Oqlala cigarettes they are getting the same dose of toxic smoke.
Myth 9: I'm the only one who Atdharr due to smoking. Tobacco smoke also harms the people around you. In the United States, secondhand smoke causes about 50,000 deaths annually. Note that the waiter or waitress who works eight hours at a bar smoking inhale toxic smoke Bakdrcbr smoked per day, says Fiore.
Myth 10: I tried to quit smoking once and failed, so there is no point to try again. Most smokers try several times before quitting for good. So if you have failed before, do not let that deterrent you try again. "Every time people quit smoking , they learn things that can be useful for the next attempt to quit smoking Preparation / Samir breeze slave Team every day medical information Source: medicinenet